The Light Explorers

The Light Explorers
Artist: Carissa H. 9yrs. old - A Light Explorer

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Light Explorers Class #4 Smudging, Make a Powerful Smudge Feather Wand

Smudging is the process of burning sage bundles and other herbs for cleansing your home, a person, your personal energy field (or that of another being) or objects such as crystals, stones or sacred tools. Smudging is a spiritual and sacred act. It comes to us from Native American traditions, but many peoples and many cultures have echoed the principle. It can be performed by people of many religious affiliations as a means of cleansing negativity from a space, possessions, yourself or others with smoke. A feather smudge wand is a great tool used to fan, or direct, the smoke from the burning herb over the area or person that needs cleansing. Also note that you do not have to burn anything to “sweep” the energy field of a person. You can use Reiki, visualization and intention to cleanse as well.

Today we will make our own powerful feather smudge wand!


Smudging clears negative energy and purifies the physical and finer environments. Everything and everyone has an energetic auric field around them. These fields can become contaminated with negative vibrations and thought forms. These negative energies if not removed, can cause disharmony, imbalance, depression and illness. Sometimes these negative energies are left in our environment from contact with others who are creating or harboring them. Sometimes they can drain a persons energy and vitality. Smudging can eliminate these imbalances and restore harmony.

1. Sacred herbs, incense, the will and desire to help others.

2. Shell or receptacle you can use to burn the herbs. A shell is the Native American traditional

choice. A fire resistant open dish-like container is necessary as it prevents stray smoldering

embers from burning furniture, carpeting or clothing.

3. A feather is used to sweep the smoke or unwanted energy through the space
needing cleansing


Begin by smudging the auric space – about 2 to 3 feet out from the body. Begin sweeping the person with your smudge feather fan. Move around the person in a clockwise manner. Visualize white light cleansing the unwanted energy away from the body towards the Earth. Work from above the head to the feet. When you get to the feet, have the person lift up their feet, one at a time, as you sweep the smoke under each one. Go back above the head and go down the front, back and each side of the body, cleaning the energies that lie close to their form. If any area feels “sticky” continue smudging until it feels clean to you. Use your intuitive senses as you work.

In an enclosed space, open a door or window to provide a route for negative energies to leave as they move to get away from the smudge. Begin in the room that is the most distant from the open door or window. Start at the center of the room. Move through the room clockwise. Fan the smoke from the

smudge over, under and around objects. If any area feels “sticky” continue smudging until it feels clean to you. Use your intuitive senses as you work. Tell everything that you do not want in your space to “Leave now and go to the Light”. Move to the next room and the next, repeating this procedure. If you have left a door open for negativity to exit, smudge the doorway, step through and smudge the immediate area outside. Many people hang sweet grass braids over doorways to allow only good energy to enter their space.


For small items, such as tumbled stones or jewelry – put them in a bowl or container. Sweep the objects with your smudge feather fan. Visualize white light cleansing the objects from unwanted energy towards the Earth. If you are using sage or incense, hold the container above the smudge and allow the smoke to rise and enter the container, bathing the small items in smoke.
For larger objects: Move around the object in a clockwise direction. Begin at the top and sweep-smudge through the close energetic field and off towards the Earth


California White Sage: Clears negative and foreign energies and entities out of our
environment, our personal space and our belongings
Lavender: Brings protection, peacefulness and rest

WARNINGS:Smoke from herbs can lead to allergic reactions or trigger asthma or other forms of
respiratory distress. Do not begin using smudge if you are pregnant. The information on this
flyer is offered for its cultural and historical value. If you choose to burn herbs, do so only in a well-ventilated area, use common sense and moderation.
Discontinue use and contact your
health professional if any irritation develops


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